即是說,我們要去鍛鍊可以挪移大山的信心,但仍知道當情況轉差時,只需去「推」(p. u. s. h. );
當別人的反應是出乎意料之外時,只需去「推」(P. U. S. H. );
當錢差不多用光而賬單快到期時,只需去「推」(P. U. S. H. );
當別人不明白你時,只需去「推」(P. U. S. H. );
推!P. U. S. H. !
禱告直至有些事情發生! (Pray Until Something Happens! )
Ng Ivy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P.?
Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our lives.
Maybe if we think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way.
A. S. A. P.
There's work to do, deadlines to meet; You've got no time to spare, But as you hurry and scurry- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER
In the midst of family chaos, "Quality time" is rare. Do your best; let God do the rest- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER.
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